Jan 31, 2009

Still in love

I still pray for you every night

And I probably always will

Jan 30, 2009

On school exams

when I'm not prepared to take

test, i tell my teachers that i

was in a car accident...

i've changed the dates on

an old accident report 15 times in 3 years.

Jan 26, 2009

Falling in love.

Before I met you, I never cried on chick flicks.

I thought it was because I was strong.

Then we fell in love.

Now I cry at them all.

...and you left me.

And I thought I was weak.

So I (hated) you.

But not really.

I realize now, that loving you only made my heart open.

And that I came alive when I met you.

You made me human.


and I love you anyway.

Virtual Insanity.

I go online simply to talk to you.

Jan 25, 2009

Making Reservations.

Sometimes we

put up walls.

Not to keep

people out,

but to see

who cares

enough to

knock them



Jan 24, 2009


Too late to apologize.

Jan 22, 2009


I cheated... many times.

he doesn't know,

but I have this feeling that

he is just in denial..

we broke up,

but I'm allready plotting

how I can cheat on my next


it excites me.

Sad, sad song.

I love you.


Jan 3, 2009

Faking a smile.

Songs for the road.


Maybe it wasn't worth the effort.

Pale is beautiful.

Pale is in. Ask Stephanie Meyer, author of Twilight.

Lucky bastard. Lame post.

That cheap? What a deal indeed.

College is killing me.

This is no secret. I think nobody is an exception here. In some point of our lives, we dreaded college life. Beating the deadlines. Enduring Ma'am Conan the Librarian. Get caught and get called in the counseling room for that steamy public display of affection in the classroom corner. Studying hard, partying harder. And then getting called to report on the spot for the assignment you failed to accomplish. Nah, that wasn't so bad at all.

Jan 2, 2009

Never Appear Too Perfect

Law # 46:

Appearing better than others is always dangerous, but most dangerous of all is to appear to have no faults or weaknesses. Envy creates silent enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects, and admits to harmless vices, in order to deflect envy appear more human and approachable. Only gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity.

From the book of Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power.